I take the pregnancy test, to make sure I bought two. After I found out that it was confirmed, tears fall down-overthinking and really got depressed. During the week when I found out I was pregnant. I had scrambled to find someone else on the internet who had been through this pain, but I could barely find anything that covered the whole journey. I considered having an abortion but my conscience was stopping me. I am so afraid of raising my child alone and no support from my family or my boyfriend. I cannot imagine going home. I can foresee my parents being so disappointed at me since I just started working as overseas worker. I am so depressed at that time. I browsed the internet about abortion here in Taiwan and PSC was on the top search. I read everything on the site. After that I contacted them through Line. They immediately responded to my messages. It was so good that they are having a foreign-friendly staff that could handle my concerns. I frankly asked them if they offer abortion and they told me that they didn’t have. But they refer to me Gloria Hsu, this person will really help me for my concerns and for English language since I don’t know how to speak Mandarin. The one I am talking to PSC, Gloria, decided to come with me and talk to me personally. She picked me up in our dormitory. I felt grateful that I have someone. She was there for me when I had my ultrasound, we witnessed my baby’s first heartbeat. The feeling was really amazing. Hearing another heart beat inside my body is such a miracle. It really make me cry. And I can’t explain my feeling. So happy and worried at the same. Despite of pushing to do the abortion, everything change after I heard the heartbeat of my baby. It cleared all my negative thought. That moment all I think is no matter what I will continue this baby and will fight this battle. Then, I already told my parents that I was pregnant. I will go back home and will resign. I apologized to them for what happened.