I had just arrived in Taiwan to work when I learned about my pregnancy. My last period was in January and it was March when I noticed that I haven’t got my period yet so I decided to take the pregnancy test and it turned out positive. I’m so confused and disappointed at that time. How will it be possible? I don’t have a boyfriend or a husband back in my country when I left. So how? So after two days I bought again the pregnancy test kit thinking maybe I just got a false positive result on my first try and I’m hoping that’s the case. But no. It still comes out positive. I don’t know what to do at that time. I’m so scared I just came in Taiwan to work and I might lose my job because of it. And then I realized something that happened back in my country before I came to Taiwan. I’m with a guy friend and we had a drink. I got drunk that time after we finished a bottle of alcoholic drink.  I got really dizzy with just one bottle and that’s new to me.  I know my alcohol tolerance and I have quite a high tolerance with alcohol. I never get drunk easily. This guy friend brought me somewhere to sober up and when we got there he started kissing m. Then afterwards he’s asking me to check-in to a nearest hotel but I clearly say “No” to him. After that I don’t know what happened. I just woke up the next morning and  I was already on my own bed and I can’t get up.  I just took a shower then came back again to my bed to sleep.

Then I told him what I’ve learn about that I was pregnant and I asked him If something happened to us and he denied it. But I know for myself that he did something terrible to me that night. I was devastated, confused, and disappointed at that time and I just really couldn’t believe about my pregnancy because there is no way that I am pregnant. And because I’m so angry and confused at that time, I even planned to get an abortion. So I searched online about it and on top of my list is PSC, so I contacted them. Gloria was the one who talked to me in Line and I told her about my problem. She was too kind to give a helping hand and she listens to me attentively but I also learned that they don’t do the procedure. She was giving me an assurance that in the midst of my situation I am not alone, that they are there for me and also God, and she also giving me many options but of course I didn’t listen to her and determined to get rid of my baby. But one day I realized that what I was trying to do is not right so I decided to go on with my pregnancy. I contacted again Gloria and she was so relieved and happy with my decision and she told me to contact the Domestic Caretaker Union (DCU)  because they can help me with my situation and I’m glad that I listened to her. The DCU and Taiwan International Worker’s Association (TIWA) helped me to get a re-entry visa because I decided to go home.  I want to give birth in my country. I met with Gloria again before I went home and she gave me a suitcase full of everything that I’ll be needing for my upcoming baby. I’m so thankful to all the people who helped me on my pregnancy journey. And also to my employer that time they’re so kind enough to pay for my plane ticket and some cash allowance.

The harder part of this journey was how would I I tell it to my family. I don’t want them to get disappointed on me that time. But I gathered all my strength and told them about it and I’m so glad I did because I got the support from them wholeheartedly. They told me that my baby is a blessing, that it’s not my fault that I trusted a wrong person.

Now, I am absolutely contented and happy with my decision and that is to keep my baby. He’s  3months old now and very much healthy and too adorable. He’s my strength together with his older brother. But now I am back again abroad to work, even though I don’t want to left my baby at a young age, I have no choice; I have to work so that I can give them a better life that they deserve.